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For Interim Candidates

For Interim Candidates

Are you interested in being at Top Fifty?

How do I become a Top Fifty interim manager?

Our customers are used to being able to immediately fulfill their open positions in the first and second management levels. Therefore each interim manager must meet substantial requirements. Interim managers from Top Fifty must first of all be very mobile and flexible. Second they must be in a position to fulfill the requirements of the assigned level of responsibility within the company. Therefore their management experience, paired with the necessary professional and social competence, is therefore decisive. See various mandates from Top Fifty Interim Managers in the video.

Are you interested in being an interim manager at Top Fifty? Then please contact us and add your profile - click here! We look forward to getting to know you.

Requirements and procedures
for the Top Fifty Interim Managers

Network Member

In order to become a member of our network of top managers the candidate must, on one hand, fulfill certain minimal requirements and, on the other hand, follow the requested recruiting process. So, the candidate 1) prepares and up-dates his resume and other data and registers them on Top Fifty’s web site; 2) receives an answer from Top Fifty and, if requested, completes his inscription with his anonymous profile and his list of competences. Eventually, after having evaluated the mandates potential of the candidate, a personal interview will take place.  We pay high attention to the follow-up of the registration of our candidates. This is why each network member is asked not only to register once, but to update his data whenever something has changed.


You create and maintain your profiles yourself!

Nobody knows better about your qualifications than you yourself. Therefore we prefer you to carry out yourself the entries of your functional and professional competency, your language knowledge and regional experience.

Are you interested in being a network member of Top Fifty? Then apply today at Top Fifty. We look forward to getting to know you.

Minimal Requirements

Our customers have the highest demands for interim managers from Top Fifty. On the other hand, Top Fifty also wants to supply top level interim management. Therefore in our network only managers who fulfill the following requirements can stand their ground;


  • You have many years of management experience on the first and / or the second management level in a company which is active internationally, possibly listed on the stock exchange and which employs several hundred to several thousand employees.

  • Your current and up-dated know-how from your basic management field gives you a competitive advantage in comparison with other candidates.

  • During your management activities, you have learned to implement modern management tools and to use them yourself.

  • Your professional and also personal experience in various environments give you the necessary social competence and composure to tackle the tasks given to you.

  • During your long career, you have developed a feeling for the needs of your customers. You are able to pursue and reach them with the necessary persistence.

  • Each environment is different. Often the interim manager must familiarize himself with a new topic in a very short time. You are able to elaborate and suggest solutions.


All of these abilities characterize managers who have proven themselves and have gained the necessary experience. Top Fifty therefore only accepts persons to the network who are 50 years old or older and who are decided to work exclusively as interim or project manager as of now.

Recruiting Process


Send us your documents

First read the requirements demanded to the candidates interim managers of Top Fifty and decide yourself whether you fulfill the required conditions and want to be a part of this network. If you can answer both these questions with “yes”, please send us your complete application documents. Preferably apply here.


Analysis of your CV

Top Fifty analyzes your CV and checks your prospects in the markets that we serve. Your USPs, (Unique Selling Propositions), are decisive. Your CV should show in which respects you are unique and why your services will be asked for in the market. Top Fifty wants to offer top quality interim management. This makes it necessary for our network partners to present the needed uniqueness. This demands exceptional professional and personal qualities.

Hence it is not the number of members that we have in our network which counts. It is the quality of the members. This fact means that it can happen that we do not accept a candidate specialized in a certain field where we are numerous enough. We can, however, keep a candidate in reserve for an unexpected exceptional opportunity.


Personal interview

As soon as your CV has been positively analysed, you will be invited to an interview. This is intended to confirm our expectations which have resulted from your CV. The interview also makes it possible for us to get to know you personally, to check the professionalism of your appearance and to clarify open questions in a personal discussion.



After the personal interview and presuming that all went well, Top Fifty will propose you a contract, which signing confirms that you have become network member.


Mandate (assignment)

As soon as there are orders from clients which you can fulfill rapidly, in a competitive and competent manner, Top Fifty will contact you and we shall initiate negotiations with the clients.

Versicherungslösung für Interim Manager (Vermögensschaden-Haftpflicht)


In der Schweiz interessieren sich immer mehr Interim Manager*innen für eine Vermögensschaden-Haftpflichtversicherung. Verständlich, denn ein umfassender Schutz für die Geschäftstätigkeit als selbständig Erwerbender könnte in der aktuellen Situation wichtig werden. Die Risiken waren und sind nie ganz auszuschließen. Haftpflichtrisiken können existenziell sein. Deshalb macht es Sinn die eigene Situation zu prüfen und sich allenfalls abzusichern für den Schaden, aber auch für den Rechtsfall bzw. ein Rechtsverfahren. Jetzt gibt es für die Schweizer Interim Manager*innen ein attraktives Angebot.

Schauen Sie sich das Angebot von AsseCon an. Als Netzwerkmitglied von Top Fifty steht Ihnen zudem ein weiterer Angebotsvorteil von 10% zu. 

Top Fifty empfiehlt die Prüfung dieser Lösung ohne persönlichen Vorteil. Diese Versicherung wurde auf spezifische Bedürfnisse von Interim Manager*innen und Berater*innen ausgestaltet. In der Schweiz bieten auch andere Versicherungsgesellschaften, wie Allianz, Zürich und weitere Haftpflichtversicherungen für Vermögensschäden an. Bitte informieren Sie sich.

Den Link zur AsseCon Lösung: Haftpflichtschutz für Interim Manager*innen

Are you interested in joining Top Fifty as an Interim Manager?

Then apply today, we look forward to meeting you!

register now + record your profile

Events and Information for Interim Managers




AIMP Jahresforum 2025
Branchen-Event Interim Management

09./10. Mai 2025
Geisenheim im Rheingau


Workshop für Einsteiger ins Interim Management
AIMP Academy

9. Mai 2025
Geisenheim im Rheingau


Aus- und Weiterbildung für Interim Manager
Interim Executive Management

Start am 25. April 2025
Oestrich-Winkel, Deutschland

EBS Universität - Executive School

AIMP Jahresforum 2024
Branchen-Event Interim Management

April 2024
Geisenheim im Rheingau